Packaging – Die-lines
Objectives and tasks should align with a number of learning event out lined in the learner engagement cards.
RecieveUse Yoobee prepress guidelines to create new die-linesCreateDescribe a production process for producing box packagingDebateModify existing die-lines, to meet new product goalsExploreCopy existing die-linesExperimentDiscuss Imitatesustainability Praticein Meta-learnrelation(self-reflect)to packaging.
ListDie contentcut learnerstemplates
PACKAGING read& beforeDIELINES: attemptingThe aDesigner's taskBook thatof isPackaging set.Dielines
Dielines and Proofs — Packaging Prepress 101 (3mins)List
What learnersdid shouldeach watchof beforethe attemptinglines amentioned task that is set.represent?
Doing (Tasks)
DescribeTake an existing packaging box, and unravel it and hand draw the tasksdie youline wantincluding learnersall tocuts do.and Thisfolds, should relate tonoting the objectives,up readingdirections andfor watching.each panel.
Tutor and student interactions
List the way learners will engage with the tutor and each other.
- Group Q&A. (Agreed time live session, forum, blog)
- One on one Q&A. (Tutor makes contact with individual learners)
- Group presentation and feedback. (learners present their findings/results and seek feed back from each other)
- Software Demonstration. (Live demo with questions)
- Presentation and discussion of Ideas, techniques, exemplars.