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Textures and patterns (8hrs)


  • Describe the difference between texture and pattern
  • Identify texture and pattern in design work
  • Create seamless textures
  • Create repeatable patterns
  • Apply patterns and/or textures to a piece of work




Can you find other examples of the botanical texture compositions shown in Jerga Argentina's work?


Doing (Tasks)

Find 3 examples of texture be used in print ads found on Ads of the world For each example:

  • Describe how you think the texture was applied (What tools and techniques were used?).
  • Why do you think the texture was chosen (How does the texture relate to the message, what additional meaning does it convey)?

Following one of the video tutorials, Create a texture or pattern and apply it to a typographic composition.

  • Use something from your environment as source material.
  • The type can be anything you like. A word, a quote, a lyric, a question, a line from a movie.
  • Experiment with the texture or pattern positioning (background, on top, blended into the composition). 

I’m missing one more activity that relates more to comprehension of the reading material.

Tutor and student interactions

  • Group Discussion (Good sources of textures online, Teams channels)
  • One on one Q&A. (Make contact with each student) 
  • Group presentation and feedback. (learners present their findings/results from the examples they found) 
  • Software Demonstration. (Converting texture to bitmap for use in distressed type in InDesign)
  • Presentation and discussion of typographic compositions.