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adding timetables to a course

To mark attendance a timetable of session first needs to be created. Follow the steps below

  1. In the attendance tab for a selected course, click the 'New timetable' link.
  2. You won’t need to chance the name of the timetable unless there is a need to use multiple timetables for the course. The location can be left blank and the style should be set to ‘Date based sessions’.
  3. Tick ‘Share with other courses in this qualification’ this makes it easier to navigate between different courses.
  4. Tick ‘Points can be entered as attendance is recorded’ this will allow us to more finely tune how we record attendance later.
  5. Click ‘Create timetable and add sessions…’

To add lab session

  1. Date should be set to the start date of the course or module you are working with.
  2. Un-tick ‘no set time’ and enter the start time of the session.
  3. Make sure ‘Check for holidays’ is ticked
  4. Set repeat to ‘weekly and make sure all weekdays are ticked.
  5. Set repeat until to the end date of the course/module.
  6. Tick ‘Use timetabled staff to automatically assign staff who are already enabled on the course.
  7. Set the Label to Studio to help differentiate different session in the interface.
  8. Points should remain set to 1.0
  9. Click validate

Validation will indicate if any session have been removed because they fall on holiday days and how many session are being created.

Make sure that the correct number of session will be created approximately 50 for a Studios.

To add workshop session click ‘add sessions’ in the sessions view of the attendance tab and use the settings above with the exception of selecting only the day workshop repeats on and use "workshop" as the label.

When validating you should get approximately 10 sessions being created.