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Practical Part A

Practical - Part A

Task 1: Work from the Terminal Linux. (Total 16)

             (Q1 to Q7 Critical) (2 Marks for each correct answers)

Create a directory in your home directory (~) named Assessment3_ {Your Class}

Which command did you use?






Create two directory’s named Source and Destination in the Assessment3_ {Your Class} directory just created

Which command did you use?






  • Create two files named txt and File2.txt inside Assessment3_ {Your Class}/Source


Which command did you use?






Write your Name and DOB in FILE1.txt using a Linux editor (VI, Pico or Nano)

Which Exactly the commands keys you use?






Copy only the txt files from Source to Destination

Which command did you use?






Apply the following permissions to the Assessment3_ {Your Class} Director (User Read Write Execute, Group Read, Other Read)

Which command did you use?






Pipe a directory listing using long listing format of the contents of you Assessment3_ {Your Class} directory as txt in Assessment3_ {Your Class}

Which command did you use?





Create and test a Linux batch Script called sh that contains all the previous commands print and save in Assessment3_{Your Class} director.

Which command did you use?