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Topic and assessment planning

A 'topic and assessment plan (T&A plan)' extends a course map by identifying the sequence of engagements (content, resources, and activities) that will be used and presented that learners will interact with, in each of the topics.

Engagements are aligned with each of the learning objectives identified in the course map and fulfil the principles of the '9s model'.

Types of engagement

We use the term 'engagement' here to describe the content (learning materials) that will be presented on, or linked to from pages in the LMS. This includes sources for written content and may also include: 

  • Images, diagrams and slideshows
  • External links (e.g. NZ Standards/legislation etc.)
  • Links back to prior learning
  • Ideas for interactive (these care created or fleshed out in a later stage)
  • videos (YouTube etc.)
  • readings (required)
  • extra readings (dig deeper)
  • end of page discussion questions
  • iQ tasks
  • Formative activities.

For each engagement, it's important to identify:

  • TLOs: Which TLOs does the engagement align with?
  • Purpose: Describe how the engagement contributes to the learners' ability to achieve the LOs and assessments. What knowledge and skills does it align with?
  • Responsibility: Who is responsible for writing, finding, creating, and sourcing the engagement?

Format of a T&A plan

Similar to a course map, a T&A plan includes administrative details from the approved course description including:

  • Course code and title
  • Course purpose/summary
  • Learning outcomes

A t&A plan will also include elements of the summative assessment plan, including:

  • assessment activities
  • corresponding learning outcomes
  • Assessment weighting,

and will also include indicative assessment tasks or assessment outlines.

A T&A plan mirrors the language used by the LMS to define meaningful blocks of learning – Sub-sections, pages, etc…