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Lightroom supports the importing of a wide range of file types. During this course we will mainly be working our camera's RAW format or Digital Negitive format (DNG).

Other formats Lightroom supports:

  • TIFF format.
  • JPEG format.
  • Photoshop format (PSD)
  • CMYK files. (adjustments and output are performed in the RGB color space)
  • PNG format.
  • Video files.

The import widow will often open automatically when a camera or memory card is connected to the computer while Lightroom is running. You can also access the import widow by selecting Import photos and Video... from the file menu.

We need to make three decision to complete an import.

Choosing images

On the left side of the widow we can select the source location of the images we want to import. We can select the media (hard drive, memory card or network drive) and specific folder. By default Include Subfolders is ticked which will display all images in all subfolders of the selected location in the centre of the import widow.

By default all images will be ticked marking them for import. We can check and uncheck images using the check box in the top left corner of each image. We can select multiple images and check or uncheck them using one check box. We check or uncheck all available images using the buttons at he bottom of the widow.

How will the Images be add to the catalog