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By the end of this class, your students should be able to:

  • Understand the structure of the Web & UX Design programme programme
  • Locate resources relating to pastoral care
  • Log into their machine 
  • Know how to access the grade center and understand the grading system for the Web & UX Design programme programme
  • Log in to Blackboard, navigate and access their class area
  • Be familiar with the campus and student spaces
  • Know the process and where to go in an emergency (meeting point) 
  • Recall the names of other classmates and some small facts about them

Handouts / Resources:

Each student should receive on day one:
  • A copy of their timetable
  • A copy of the student handbook 
  • Visual diary 
  • Login details for campus machines
  • Technology Acceptable Use agreement

Key points: 

Programme outline

Show and explain:

  • How the programme is structured - each module overview. Define formative projects and summative assignments. 
  • The programme overview and outcomes - what do they mean
  • How the first few weeks of the programme will run, what to expect, subjects covered, etc
  • What the first project is and the learning trajectory toward it
  • Timetable, lab hours and access

Pastoral care 


  • Pastoral care options available on campus - where to go for help, who to ask and the scope of assistance we can offer.
  • Support staff names, role and location on campus. 
  • Attendance requirements of the campus 
  • Class rules you would like to set regarding lateness, music/headphones, cellphones during discussion, respect, food/drink in labs etc

Logging into machines & MyACG

During the enrollment process - students should have been automatically added to their Blackboard class - take note of any names not present in the class Blackboard and follow up with your HOF. 

  • Demonstrate how to log into the machines and how the network and student servers are accessed. 
  • Explain where to purchase additional printing credit if needed
  • Show how to access & log into MyACG / Blackboard
  • Navigate the class area and access programme resources and information
  • Discuss policy around using machines during and after scheduled class time
  • How to access tech support 


On MyACG there are a number of warmer and icebreaker activities in the Tutor Lounge section - if you don't have access to this area, your HOF can add you to it. 


Introduce someone else

  • Pair the students up randomly, give them 5 minutes to talk to each other, and have them introduce each other to the class in narrative form.

A few of my favourite things

  • Circulate blank sheets of A4 paper and pens. Give students 5 minutes to write down five of their favourite things and a one sentence reason. Make at least three of these specific to the course content, for example: website, browser, mobile app, ice cream flavour, place to go on a first date.
  • Gather the papers in and read them out to the class. Students try to match the list to class members.