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App Design

Learning outcomes

  1. Create a design that will be easily understood by all target audiences
  2. Produce UML diagrams to model the behaviour of the application
  3. Participate productively in Agile meetings
  4. Select appropriate framework or libraries for the brief and successfully implement them
  5. Use an API effectively to produce a web interface
  6. Use tools to manage project dependencies and tasks
  7. Research technical options for identified requirements
  8. Select appropriate user testing techniques to ensure stakeholders needs are met
  9. Develop a best practices document that ensures Javascript meets quality standards
  10. Contribute code written to an acceptable standard to a remote repository
  11. Use a project management tool to ensure on time delivery
  12. Demonstrate collaborative and/or leadership skills to manage a group web project using version control tools
  13. Apply professional best practices for using an online repository hosting service collaboratively



Shared Ideas


An increasing number of event management companies are choosing to enable attendees and speakers/special guests to engage with each other through social platforms.


An event management company are interested in creating a custom platform that can be tailored to suit a conference they are are about to run. Attendees are will able to share ideas, experiences, ask questions, and pose problems. Speakers will be able to respond to attendees with answers and solutions content post through the platform will be projected in public spaces at the event.

They require attendees and speakers to be able to login, post content in the form of text and/or images, and comment on or reply to post from other attendees.

An interface is required that enable attendees and speakers to post content. A fullscreen display interface that can run unattended for projecting the content is also required.

Logging in should be handled using an external authentication provider (google, facebook, GitHub, etc…).

Community engagement


ZIP (Zero Invasive Predators Ltd) was established in February 2015 as a research and development entity focused on developing the tools and techniques to enable an ambitious and exciting vision for New Zealand: The complete removal of rats, stoats, and possums from large mainland areas for the long term, sustainable protection of native biodiversity.


To help communities engage with this vision ZIP would like to develop an app that enables users to photograph wildlife in their area and receives feedback from community member.

Images and feedback are intended to be publicly available on a web site and display in an engaging way on screens at the ZIP offices.

An interface is required that enable users to post content. A fullscreen display interface that can run unattended for displaying the content on screens is also required.

Logging in should be handled using an external authentication provider (google, facebook, GitHub, etc…).

Niche Market


C2C (consumer to consumer) platforms match buyer with sellers, this type of e-commerce is made up of online classifieds or forums where individuals can buy and sell their goods.


Your client wants to create C2C market space for their users to buy and sell their products (types or product or product category can be decided by you). The seller should be able to post a product with its associated details, buyers should be able to view, leave comments and ask questions about the product/s.

Logging in should be handled using an external authentication provider (google, Facebook, GitHub, etc…).

The solution requires the user to: create an item, view a list, view item details, update or edit the item and delete an item.

*ideas for goods; gaming/tech items, sports equipment, cars, clothing etc.