DescriptionColour ofis thea purpose powerful design element that can be used to attract attention, affect feelings and moods, or convey a message instantly.
learning objectives
Level 4
LearningIdentifyobjectivesprimary,for level 4, consider blooms taxonomy, learning outcomes, GPOssecondary andlearnertertiaryengagement.colours and describe their relationships.- Use basic colour associations while creating work.
- Select, create and apply colours using basic software techniques. (swatches, eyedroppers, color mixers)
Interactions, engagements and activities
DescribeColour theselection types of interaction and activities that could help achieve the objectives.activities.
Level 5
LearningIdentifyobjectivesand describe colour palettes in existing work using colour harmony rules.- Create colour palettes using colour harmony rules.
- Select and use appropriate colour space and profile option for
levela6,rangeconsiderofbloomsdifferenttaxonomy, learning outcomes, GPOs and learner engagement. - outputs.
Interactions, engagements and activities
Describe the types of interaction and activities that could help achieve the objectives.
Level 6
Learning objectives for level 6, consider blooms taxonomy, learning outcomes, GPOs and learner engagement.
Interactions, engagements and activities
Describe the types of interaction and activities that could help achieve the objectives.