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Typographic skills are essential for designers communicating using written language. Building a greater understanding of how to select and control typefaces to convey a message, create hierarchy and embellish design work.

In essence, typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader. Typography involves font style, appearance, and structure, which aims to elicit certain emotions and convey specific messages. In short, typography is what brings the text to life. (stolen from here

learning objectives

Level 4

  • Describe and recognise major type classifications. (eg. Serif, Sans-Serif, Script, Display)  
  • Select and use combinations of type-faces in design work. 
  • Efficiently and effectively control typefaces in software. (Font and family, Size, alignment)
  • Apply fundamental principles of design to the use of typography in design work.
Interactions, engagements and activities

Learner should should example of major type classification and be made aware of sub-categories.

Activities that involve typeface identification to encourage memory.

Level 5

  • Describe and recognise sub-categories of  type classifications. (eg. Old style, Modern, Transitional, Grotesque, Geometric, Humanist)
  • Use typographic terminology to describe typefaces and letterforms. 
  • Efficiently and effectively control typefaces in software to maintain consistency within and between documents. (Tracking, Kerning, Paragraph and Character styles).
  • Describe the effect on Readability and Legibility typographic choices have.
Students Will: 
  1. Be confident following the yoobee house rules for typography, selecting and controlling typographic elements in a piece of design work. 
  2. Be able to recognise and correct common typographic errors and be able to use type appropriately for a range of unique outcomes
Interactions, engagements and activities 

Level 6

  • Describe historic influences on typography. 
Interactions, engagements and activities