Textures and patterns
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Describe the difference between texture and pattern
- Create patterns and textures in Photoshop and Illustrator
Resources needed
Prepare the following before the lesson:
- Cameras
- Lab with Photoshop installed Activity outline
- Assign students in to groups.
- Give each group a subject to brainstorm different textures and patters from.
- Nature
- Architecture Interior/Exterior
- Transport
- Food
- Technology
- Students in their groups go out and try to find and photograph the patterns and textures.
- Demonstrate use of pattern creator in Illustrator and Photoshop
- Demonstrate the use of offset filter in Photoshop to create seamless texture
- Get students to use the tools to create textures and patterns based on the photos they took.
- Use the textures as fills in a word that is appropriate to the texture.
Tutor notes
Offset Filter Filter>Other>Offset… Use clone stamp, or heal tools to cover the hard lines in the middle before creating the pattern. Illustrator A simple brick pattern or honeycomb can be a great easy pattern to create as a demonstration.
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