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The yoobeeBox

Getting started

When using computers, sometimes we aren't the admins and cannot 100% control what we can do. Sometimes non admins can't even add files or folders to specific parts of the computer. This is the case at Yoobee.

Using Vagrant and Virtual Box, we will be able to make a virtual environment on our computers which we will have complete control of.

Common terminal commands

  • To List your current directory, type ls.
  • To switch directories, type cd followed by the name of the directory.
  • To make a directory, type mkdir followed by the name of the directory you want to make.

Using the Pre Build Yoobee Box

Yoobee has created a vagrant box that you can use. It contain most to technology you will need to host a website for local development.
It's a LAMP server (linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) and has build to enable you to install and run WordPress and will work with a number of other CMSs.

Setting up your server

Adding the file to vagrant

This step only need to be followed once. If you have already done these steps on your current computer you can then skip to Creating a new server. once a box is added it can be used multiple times.

We need to create a place on your computer where you will hold all of your virtual servers.
You can create as many as you want but it is recommended that you keep them all together.

Create a new folder in your home directory called vagrantProjects

mkdir ~/vagrantProjects

Grab a copy of the vagrant box file from the server and place it on your desktop. Your tutor will explain where.
The file is named

We need to add this .box file to our vagrant so we can use it to create a new development environment.

vagrant box add yoobeeBox “path to the file”

example vagrant box add yoobeeBox /Users/0123345/Desktop/

When finished, you can then remove the file from your computer.

Creating a new server

Go to the folder you created in step 1 (vagrantProjects) and createCreate a new folder ininside there.our YouvagrantProjects canfolder. createThis aswill manybe folderswhere inor herenew asserver youlives.


mkdir ~/vagrantProjects/newServer

Each folder created will represent a different server.


In morethe terminal navigated to the new servers you have, the more disk space will be taken up on your computer. So you need to actually think about if you need to create a new server for your current project, or just use an exsisting one.
In this example we are going to create a folder called server1folder.

Go back to terminal.
You need to navigate your way into that folder you just created. By default it will open up in your root directory of your computer. Using ls (list directory) and cd (change directory). Move into your folder.
An example can be like this:
cd Desktop ~/vagrantProjects/newServer
ls Desktop 
cd vagrantProjects 
ls vagrantProjects 
cd server1

this moves you into the folder called server1. Until you get confident in terminal, it is recommended that you type ls after you change directories just to check you are in the right place. You should see a list of all the folder and files in that current directory.

Once you are inside that folder we need to initializeinitialise the vagrant server.

Type out

vagrant init yoobeeBox

This should create a file callednames VagrantFileVagrantfile inside that folder. Youus ls to check that it exists. if does we can type ls tostart check.the new server.

If the VagrantFile exists, type output
vagrant up

This will start the creation of the server. It might take a while the first time you do itit. but justJust wait and it shouldwill eventually finish.
IfIt ifmay says that it is trying to disconnect and reconnect, then don't worry, it should eventually connect if you followed all the previous steps correctly.


Once somefinished reasonyour itnew doesn't,server thenwill yoube have done something wrongaccessible in thea stepsbrowser above.

You should know that it has finished when you can type into terminal again. Or if you seeusing the line MountingURL  shared folders... and there are two lines bellow it.

  1. If you now open up an internet browser and go to

    You should see a website with the first heading saying Index of /

    This means you were successful in creating a vagrant server using the pre build file.
    If you have a look inside your server1 folder, you should now see a new folder called www. Inside that folder you can add new files and folders and you should see them listed when you go to the url mentioned above.

Closing your server

When you have finished for the day and you are ready to turn off your server. All you need to do is open up terminal again and make sure you are inside the folder for the server which is currently running. 

vagrant halt

This will turn off your server.

Turning on your server

When you want to turn your server back on. All you need to do is open up terminal again and make sure you are inside the folder for the server which is currently running. 
Type out

vagrant up

This will turn it on again. Just like in the set up, it might take a while but as long as it has worked before it will connect.