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Design Process

The design process is a step-by-step approach used by designers to ensure that they produce the most effective design. It involves thinking, discussion, research, analysis, problem solving and developing ideas. This is the foundation work required for an effective design solution.

It is important to note that the design process is not strictly linear.



learning objectives

Level 4

  • Describe key stages in the design process.
  • Create work that satisfies individually, key stages in the design process.
Interactions, engagements and activities

Activities that require learners to brainstorm multiple solutions to the same problem are a great way encourage idea generation.

Level 5

  • Plan the the application of a design process, identifying key milestones and expected time spent at each stage.
  • Produce work that appropriately meets the requirements of each stage of a design process.
  • Use an iterative approach to a design process
Interactions, engagements and activities

Activities that encourage learner to work through multiple stages of a design process.

Level 6

  • Document own design process and apply it while creating design work.
  • Compare differing processes and evaluate their effectiveness.
  • Describe a range of methodologies, mindsets, systems or procedures that can be applied to a design process. (Human centred, User experience, Agile, Lean)
  • Use project management techniques and tools to work collaboratively. (Kanban, trello, Scrum)
Interactions, engagements and activities

Describe the types of interaction and activities that could help achieve the objectives.