Target audience and persona
a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed.
learning objectives
Level 4
LearningRespondobjectivestoforaleveltarget4,audience,considerwithbloomsdesigntaxonomy, learning outcomes, GPOs and learner engagement.choices.
Interactions, engagements and activities
Describe the types of interaction and activities that could help achieve the objectives.
Level 5
LearningUseobjectivesafortargetlevelaudience6,toconsiderinfluencebloomsdesigntaxonomy, learning outcomes, GPOs and learner engagement.decision.
Interactions, engagements and activities
Describe the types of interaction and activities that could help achieve the objectives.
Level 6
LearningJustifyobjectivesdesignfordecisionslevelthrough6,considerationconsiderofbloomstargettaxonomy, learning outcomes, GPOs and learner engagement.audience.
Interactions, engagements and activities
Describe the types of interaction and activities that could help achieve the objectives.