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Target audience and persona

  1. a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed.

learning objectives

Level 4

  • LearningRespond objectivesto fora leveltarget 4,audience, considerwith bloomsdesign taxonomy, learning outcomes, GPOs and learner engagement.choices.
Interactions, engagements and activities

Describe the types of interaction and activities that could help achieve the objectives. 

Level 5

  • LearningUse objectivesa fortarget levelaudience 6,to considerinfluence bloomsdesign taxonomy, learning outcomes, GPOs and learner engagement.decision.
Interactions, engagements and activities

Describe the types of interaction and activities that could help achieve the objectives.

Level 6

  • LearningJustify objectivesdesign fordecisions levelthrough 6,consideration  considerof bloomstarget taxonomy, learning outcomes, GPOs and learner engagement.audience.
Interactions, engagements and activities

Describe the types of interaction and activities that could help achieve the objectives.