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Aplus+ and Take2


Each of the students in any of our programmes will have been through an enrolment process. They will have provided us with their personal information and which programme the wish to study.

The information is usually collected on an enrolment form and fed into our student database ‘Take2’ via CRM.


Take2 is where all records relating to a students completion or non-completion exist. It’s information from this database we provide to TEC to demonstrate our performance.

Take2 to Aplus+

The data in Take2 including the the qualification, intake and individual course each student is enrolled in, is synchronised with Aplus+. The synchronisation takes place overnight.

Tutors mark attendance and enter course completion data into Aplus+. Administrative staff return completion data to Take2 in order to print transcripts and Diplomas/Certificates.

If you discover that students information is incorrect or you have additional or missing students in your courses in Aplus+; it usually means the information is wrong or missing in Take2.

Accessing Aplus

We access Aplus+ using any web browser. the link Yoobee Colleges is

You will presented with a login screen (use your 6 digit user code and password).

The home screen is divided in to 4 main areas:

  • The tabbed drop down menu bar at the top
  • A list of courses you have been added to in the middle
  • Stats and other information on the right

The top right corner also displays the date range for courses that will be displayed, This should normally be set to the ‘current year, Whole Year’ clicking on it will allow you to change it to a different year of a specific date range.